Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Daniel Deitrich sings a Hymn For The 81%
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
In our podcast interview, Daniel walks through the song, sharing his thoughts and feelings behind the words of the songs. He talks about his early experiences in which growing up and why he does not simply want to leave the Church, but rather invite those he believes to be wayward to “come home.”
Daniel Deitrich is a singer/songwriter based in South Bend, Indiana. His honest, heartbreaking, yet hopeful writing finds a home in massive Americana anthems, catchy Indie rock hooks, as well as intimate acoustic confessionals. Learn more about Deitrich and his music by visiting his website.
The Future Christian Podcast is a production of Torn Curtain Arts and Resonate Media.
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Crow Eddy talks about integrating Christianity with Native Spirituality.
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Crow Eddy joins the pod to talk about integrating Christianity with Native Spirituality. We talk about the work of the Center for Indigenous Ministries (DOC), the ways he's incorporated Native Spirituality into his church community, and the way that Christianity has been--and still does--oppress indigenous populations. He also talks about his art!
Crow Eddy is an artist, drum carrier, and Mi’kmaq person living in Novia Scotia, Canada. Crow regularly writes and lectures on Mi’kmaq spirituality and healing circles. He is a member of the North American council on Truth and Reconciliation called the Centre for Indigenous Ministries (D.O.C.) Council. He seeks to "build bridges to our ancient culture and our living people."
The Future Christian Podcast is a production of Torn Curtain Arts and Resonate Media.
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Ryan Panzer on doing church in the digital age
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Ryan Panzer, author and hybrid ministry consultant, joins the pod to talk about his new book, Grace and Gigabytes: Being Church in a Tech Shaped World. In the book, Panzer talks about why being church is not about technology but engagement and why churches are not failing to adapt to technology, but rather are failing to adapt to meaning making.
Ryan is a learning and leadership development professional in the technology industry. A student of digital media and its influence on our lives, he is especially interested in the intersection of faith and technology.
The Future Christian Podcast is a production of Torn Curtain Arts and Resonate Media.
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Jared Byas on why Love Matters More
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Author and podcaster Jared Byas talks about his new book Love Matters More, which talks about how fighting to be right keeps us from loving like Jesus. In our conversation, we talk about theological trauma, why truth is a poor guide to love, and why if it doesn't set you free--it isn't truth.
Jared Byas is cohost of the popular podcast The Bible for Normal People and coauthor of the book Genesis for Normal People. A former teaching pastor and professor of philosophy and biblical studies, Jared lives with his wife, Sarah, outside of Philadelphia, PA, with their four children.
The Future Christian Podcast is a production of Torn Curtain Arts and Resonate Media.
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Bethany Dearborn Hiser on how to avoid burnout
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Bethany Dearborn Hiser, trauma-informed soul care provider and author of From Burned Out to Beloved: Soul Care for Wounded Healers joins the pod to talk about overwork, burnout, and knowing when to stay or when to go. For many in "caring professions" like counselors, activists, social workers, and pastors, taking time away to recharge and renew oneself can be seen as unnecessary and privileged. Bethany shares why this attitude not only is wrong, but it's also dangerous.
Bethany currently works as the Director of Soul Care for Northwest Family Life, a network of therapists trained to work with survivors of domestic violence and sexual trauma. As a bilingual social worker, chaplain, and pastoral advocate, she has worked in a variety of ministry and social service settings with people affected by addiction, sexual exploitation, incarceration, and immigration.
The Future Christian Podcast is a production of Torn Curtain Arts and Resonate Media.
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Kathy Escobar on experiential faith communities
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Kathy Escobar joins the pod to tell the story of The Refuge, a Christian community and resource center, while also sharing some insights on future models of church and what churches can and should do to respond to the changes brought on by Covid.
Along with being a co-pastor at The Refuge, Kathy is a trained spiritual director, speaker, writer, group facilitator, and advocate, her passion is for those on the margins of life and faith and creating brave, safe spaces for healing and transformation in community. A Pepperdine University graduate, she has a Master’s in Management with an emphasis in Organizational Development from JFK University and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Denver Seminary.
The Future Christian Podcast is a production of Torn Curtain Arts and Resonate Media.
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Brian McLaren on Faith After Doubt
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Brian McLaren joins the pod to talk about his new book Faith After Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What to Do About It. We talk about the book, the disruption taking place with culture and Christianity, and what future church might look like.
Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. A former college English teacher and pastor, he is a passionate advocate for “a new kind of Christianity” – just, generous, and working with people of all faiths for the common good. Brian has been active in networking and mentoring church planters and pastors since the mid 1980’s, and has assisted in the development of several new churches. He is a popular conference speaker and a frequent guest lecturer for denominational and ecumenical leadership gatherings – across the US and Canada, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. His public speaking covers a broad range of topics including postmodern thought and culture, Biblical studies, church leadership and spiritual formation, pastoral survival and burnout, inter-religious dialogue, and global crises.
The Future Christian Podcast is a production of Torn Curtain Arts and Resonate Media.
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Jose Francisco Morales Torres on Latinx Christianity
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Rev. Dr. Josѐ Francisco Morales Torres, joins the pod to talk about the less-white future of Christianity, LatinX Christianity, and why he doesn't like the term LatinX itself.
Josѐ is an Assistant Professor of Latinx Studies and Religion at Chicago Theological Seminary. He is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). His ministry experience is broad, including congregational pastorate, advocacy, community organizing, wider denominational leadership, and education. He is also a DJ in his spare time, with house music being his genre of choice.
The Future Christian Podcast is a production of Torn Curtain Arts and Resonate Media.
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Karen Rohrer on training church planters
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Karen Rohrer joins the pod to talk about the church planting in mainline churches, different church planting models, and whether or not there is an "ideal" church planter.
Rev. Karen Rohrer is the director of the Church Planting Initiative at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary where she teaches and mentors cohorts on how to be wise, thoughtful, and relevant leaders. Rohrer is co-editor of the new book Sustaining Grace: Innovative Ecosystems for New Faith Communities. Rohrer is a graduate of University of Mary Washington (BA) and Princeton Theological Seminary (M.Div.). She is ordained in the Presbyterian Church USA and has won awards for her entrepreneurial faith leadership. Additionally she serves as a coach in the 1001 New Worshiping Communities initiative of the PCUSA.
Link to Church Planting Certificate
The Future Christian Podcast is a production of Torn Curtain Arts and Resonate Media.
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Terrell McTyer on being innovative in mainline churches
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Terrell McTyer joins the pod to talk about how to overcome gaps in funding and imagination to be innovative and creative in new church and church re-vitalization ministry contexts. He also shares his thoughts on how Covid will affect church and church-planting efforts in the future.
Pastor Terrell McTyer serves as the Minister of New Church Strategies for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. He works to teach, equip, assist and multiply leaders and congregations through New Church Ministry to increase missional efficacy and efficiency towards starting sustainable, world-changing churches and making disciples. His mission is to equip leaders to equip leaders.
The Future Christian Podcast is a production of Torn Curtain Arts and Resonate Media.